If you’re like me and spend most of your time in the terminal, switching to another app to take notes may interrupt your workflow. To quickly take notes without jumping apps, I found a nice tool named TaskBook here.
To install it, simply use this one-liner:
yarn global add taskbook
Once installed, try tb --help
for a list of commands you can use:
$ tb --help
$ tb [<options> ...]
none Display board view
--archive, -a Display archived items
--begin, -b Start/pause task
--check, -c Check/uncheck task
--clear Delete all checked items
--copy, -y Copy item description
--delete, -d Delete item
--edit, -e Edit item description
--find, -f Search for items
--help, -h Display help message
--list, -l List items by attributes
--move, -m Move item between boards
--note, -n Create note
--priority, -p Update priority of task
--restore, -r Restore items from archive
--star, -s Star/unstar item
--task, -t Create task
--timeline, -i Display timeline view
--version, -v Display installed version
$ tb
$ tb --archive
$ tb --begin 2 3
$ tb --check 1 2
$ tb --clear
$ tb --copy 1 2 3
$ tb --delete 4
$ tb --edit @3 Merge PR #42
$ tb --find documentation
$ tb --list pending coding
$ tb --move @1 cooking
$ tb --note @coding Mergesort worse-case O(nlogn)
$ tb --priority @3 2
$ tb --restore 4
$ tb --star 2
$ tb --task @coding @reviews Review PR #42
$ tb --task @coding Improve documentation
$ tb --task Make some buttercream
$ tb --timeline
I added a couple of aliases to my ~/.zshrc
file for new tasks and notes on my @devops board:
alias task="tb -t @devops"
alias note="tb -n @devops"
So I can type task this is a task
, note this is a note
. You get the idea.
I have found this tool extremely useful in my daily work for jotting down something quickly:

With the above screenshot for reference:
tb -c 1
will mark task 1 checked
tb -d 1
will delete task 1. To delete several elements, use tb -d 1 2 7
, for example.
To set the priority of task 11, I used tb -p @11 2
Feel free to experiment, practice makes perfect!
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